Endgame Zones Loot Guides & Map Locations (2024)

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Endgame Zones Loot Guides & Map Locations - Kenshi

This page contains a list of all the zones in Kenshi that I would consider to be endgame zones. If the zone requires you to have at least 10 characters with stats 50+ to survive there then it's most likely on this page. Since there are no levels in this game the only way we can gauge our strength against an opponents is to compare our stats. Toughness is usually the best stat to compare to the enemies - having equal to or better Toughness is preferred.

Keep in mind that in many of these zones we're going to be fighting numerous groups of enemies and then sometimes a boss too at the various dungeons throughout the world. You'll want to make sure your characters can handle multiple fights and recover well enough to handle a boss and his minions. For this reason I recommend you make sure your stats are higher than the enemies.

Forbidden Isle:

Spider Factory: Spider Factory is home of the Spider Foreman who is the "boss" of this dungeon and uses the Meitou Staff. I found this dungeon to be very difficult for my group of Mid game geared characters with stats 50+. When exploring this dungeon I found a total of 5 Ancient Science Books, 2 Engineering Research and 3 AI Core.

Ancient Lab: Ancient Labs often have a lot of different technology based loot for you to collect such as Ancient Science Books, AI Cores, CPU Units and more.

The Outlands:

Reaver Camp: Here you will find a camp with about 20 - 30 Reavers all with varying stats. There is a bunch of loot you can collect here but nothing that is extremely unique or noteworthy. You'll also find a bunch of the Reaver's slaves locked up in cages which you can set free. Sometimes they will join you, other times they will hop back in their cages and tell you to leave them alone.

Black Scratch: One of the towns in game controlled by the Tech Hunters. Black Scratch is also one of the more unique towns in this game since it has The Great Library which is a store that has almost every single recipe sold in the game.Some recipes such as Crab Armour will need to still be purchased from their respective faction merchants but this library does have the majority of recipes.

Fishing Village: Controlled by the Deadcats faction this Fishing Village has a Bar you can visit and a couple of other houses. The unique recruits Soman, Green Finger, Horse and Hobbs can spawn in the Bar here.

Black Dog HQ: As the name kind of suggests, this is the Black Dog faction headquarters. There is a bunch of misc loot here that is randomly generated much like the Reaver Camp and Fishing Village.

Stobe's Garden:

Tower of Spiders: Tower of Spiders -- as the name suggests, it's a tower full of Blood Spiders. I found a total of 6 Ancient Science Books inside.

Ark: Ark is the Reavers headquarters. Valamon is the leader of the Reavers and he is wielding the Meitou quality Longsword which is pretty much the best piece of loot in the entire base. When Valamon is defeated certain world states will change, I recommend you take a look at the wiki for more information. Tip: Switch your Floor level to 1 to see inside Ark

Expedition 4: There are a bunch of items scattered on the ground which you can pick up and sell. Hold down the ALT key to see everything nearby. There are no enemies at these ruins

Reaver Camp: Reaver Camps are small outposts controlled by the Reavers Faction. They contain some basic loot and will typically have a couple of prisoners you can free who will potentially join you. If you defeat Valamon at Ark then any Reaver Camps will be overtaken by the Southern Hive (assuming the queen is alive).

Waystation: Much like the Expedition 4 ruins there are a bunch of items scattered across the ground that you can pick up.

Stobe's Gamble:

Spring: Spring is the base of the Anti-Slaver Faction which is run by Tinfist, one of the iconic characters of Kenshi.

Lost Armour Store: Lost Armour Store a wide variety of tradeskill materials as well as some [Masterwork] or [Specialist] quality armor. You will also often find a couple of weapons here with one typically being of Edge Type 1 quality.

Old Empire Supply Outpost: Old Empire Supply Outposts have a variety of loot that typically includes some [Specialist] or [Masterwork] quality armor, some weapons up to Edge Type 1 quality and a variety of trade skill materials. You can also find Ancient Nutri-Rations here.

Secret Drug Farm: Secret Drug Farm is a small town of a 5 buildings all of which have Hashish Farms. A few Security Spiders can be found inside of the buildings but this location is otherwise devoid of any enemies. Inside each building you can find some Hashish and Hemp, both of which you can sell at the nearby town of Flats Lagoon for a massive price mark-up.

Free Settlement: Free Settlement and The Free City are the 2 locations that can appear in this spot depending on what your current World State is. At the start of the game this is known as Free Settlement and there isn't much here but if you defeat Emperor Tengu and Longen while Tinfist is still alive then it will become The Free City.

Crumbling Labs: Crumbling Labs is home to King Gorillo as well as some Security Spiders. There is some loot scattered around this area that you're able to pick up too including tradeskill materials, vendor trash, weapons and armor.

Expedition 5: You can find a bunch of items scattered on the ground all over this location, some are worth picking up to vendor if you want. No notable loot here.

Police Barracks: Police Barracks usually contain a large group of Skeletons that will attack you on sight and follow your group to the ends of the earth (literally). In my experience after fighting them it put a red dot on my map and they followed me until they got wiped out. Never any loot be to found inside in my experience, just bots.


Crab Village: Crab Village is the only settlement you can find in Greenbeach. As the name suggests it is controlled by the Crab Raiders faction and if you're allied with them you'll be able to purchase crabs here. Players who are allied with them will also be able to use the beds in town free of charge.

The Crags:

Iron HQ: Iron HQ is the headquarters of the Skeleton Bandits and is where you will find their leader, Elder. Elder wields the Meitou Ringed Saber weapon and always comes with an AI Core in his inventory.

Old Empire Supply Outpost: Old Empire Supply Outposts have a variety of loot that typically includes some [Specialist] or [Masterwork] quality armor, some weapons up to Edge Type 1 quality and a variety of trade skill materials. You can also find Ancient Nutri-Rations here.

Reaver Camp: Technically this Reaver Camp is on the border of The Crags and Stobe's Garden. As with all the other Reaver Camps throughout the area there is some low end loot to be found here and some prisoners you can free who have a chance of joining you. It's also a good place to level Lockpicking.

The Pits:

Lost Armoury: Lost Armoury is a loot filled building which contains many different tradeskill materials as well as one or two Edge Type weapons and some [Specialist] or [Masterwork] quality armor. Typically these buildings are not heavily guarded but you will need high Lockpicking to open all the safes and the front door.

Police Barracks: Police Barracks usually contain a large group of Skeletons that will attack you on sight and follow your group to the ends of the earth (literally). In my experience after fighting them it put a red dot on my map and they followed me until they got wiped out. Never any loot be to found inside in my experience, just bots.

Sniper Tower: As the name Sniper Tower suggests this is a large tower which is filled with Skeleton Snipers which deal heavy damage if you get anywhere close to them. If you've got a strong team in Heavy Armor or you wait for a Crab Raiders passing patrol to engage with the tower then you can probably take it.

The Pits East:

Dead Workshop: Dead Workshop is a hangar like structure which has multiple chests on the platforms throughout. I found a total of 6 Engineering Research and 3 Ancient Science Book amongst many other items.

Crab Town: Crab Town is the main town of the Crab Raiders faction. The Crab Queen is here as well as the Crab Armour Recipes; speak to the queen to ally with Crab Raiders. Unique Recruit Lumi can also be recruited from the bar here and you can also buy crabs for your Squad in this town.

Old Empire Supply Outpost: Old Empire Supply Outposts have a variety of loot that typically includes some [Specialist] or [Masterwork] quality armor, some weapons up to Edge Type 1 quality and a variety of trade skill materials. You can also find Ancient Nutri-Rations here.

Sniper Valley:

Police Barracks: Police Barracks usually contain a large group of Skeletons that will attack you on sight and follow your group to the ends of the earth (literally). In my experience after fighting them it put a red dot on my map and they followed me until they got wiped out. Never any loot be to found inside in my experience, just bots.

Old Empire Supply Outpost: Old Empire Supply Outposts have a variety of loot that typically includes some [Specialist] or [Masterwork] quality armor, some weapons up to Edge Type 1 quality and a variety of trade skill materials. You can also find Ancient Nutri-Rations here.

Royal Valley:

Southern Hive: Southern Hive is the capital of the Southern Hiver Faction. In the surrounding Royal Valley area you'll find the Southern Hive King patrolling around who is one of the hardest enemies in the game. The Queen is found in the throne room of the Southern Hive guarded by dozens of Droneguards. You'll likely find many Ancient Science Books and Engineering Research here.

Southern Hive Village: Southern Hive Village is a small village usually consisting of 4 buildings controlled by the Southern Hive. There are numerous worker Hivers here as well as a small group of Droneguards to defend it from attacks. As far as loot goes you'll find a wide variety of things including vendor trash, building materials, food, weapons, armor and Cats.


Armoury Ruin: Armoury Ruins are lesser versions of the Lost Armories that you find in other nearby zones. There will usually still be some loot in the Armoury Ruin but it typically will not be as plentiful.

Southern Hive Village: Southern Hive Village is a small village usually consisting of 4 buildings controlled by the Southern Hive. There are numerous worker Hivers here as well as a small group of Droneguards to defend it from attacks. As far as loot goes you'll find a wide variety of things including vendor trash, building materials, food, weapons, armor and Cats.

Hiver-claimed Armoury: Hiver-claimed Armoury is similar to the Lost Armoury/Old Empire Supply Outposts with the main difference being it's controlled by Hivers. You'll find a decent amount of loot here along with Droneguards that defend it.

Cheaters Run:

Dead Fishing Village: Dead Fishing Village is a small village occupied by ErrorCode 0x0000000 Skeletons that will follow you across the entire map once you attack them and activate them. As far as loot goes you'll find a wide variety of things including vendor trash, building materials, food, weapons, armor and Cats.

Police Barracks: Police Barracks usually contain a large group of Skeletons that will attack you on sight and follow your group to the ends of the earth (literally). In my experience after fighting them it put a red dot on my map and they followed me until they got wiped out. Never any loot be to found inside in my experience, just bots.

Horrible Ruin: Horrible Ruin is a small town inhabited by Skin Bandits that will attack you the moment you enter one of their buildings. You'll find a variety of loot here such as tradeskill materials, food and vendor trash.

High Bonefields:

As you can see on the map above there are no notable locations in this zone. You'll find some tough enemies here like Leviathans and Elder Beak Things but a half way decently geared group should be able to handle it. This map can be a pretty decent base location too.

Leviathan Coast:

Fallen Tower: Fallen Towers serve no purpose except to make the world look more crowded. No loot can be found here.

Lost Library: Lost Library is a dungeon that usually requires high lock picking to enter. As far as loot goes you'll find a lot of vendor trash and some maps that aren't sold at vendors which will mark new locations on your map.

Old Empire Watchtower: Old Empire Watchtower is a ruins which has a large variety of loot scattered across the ground around it and inside. The loot here will all be crafting materials/vendor trash; no Ancient Science Books, Engineering Research or AI Cores can spawn here.

Lost Armoury: Lost Armoury is a loot filled building which contains many different tradeskill materials as well as one or two Edge Type weapons and some [Specialist] or [Masterwork] quality armor. Typically these buildings are not heavily guarded but you will need high Lockpicking to open all the safes and the front door.


Throne of the Bugmaster: Throne of the Bugmaster is home of the Bugmaster boss. This boss is a good milestone to set for yourself to judge when you're done with mid game and ready to move into the end game. I talk more about this in my walkthrough part 3. You can also turn in the Bugmaster to the Shek Kingdom for a 100,000 Bounty as well as the possible reward of Seto the Shek Princess.

Sonorous Dark:

Skinhouse: Skinhouse is a town owned by the Skin Bandits Faction and is also one of the locations you can be taken if captured by the Skin Bandits. You'll find a minor amount of loot in each of the buildings here along with Peeler Machines on the second floor which is where any humans captured by the Skin Bandits are placed for... "peeling".

Skinhouse HQ: Skinhouse HQ is the head quarters of the Skin Bandits Faction and also where you'll find their leader Savant. There is a bunch of 'okay' loot here along with the unique recipes that you can't find anywhere else in the game for the Peeler Machine and Human Skin Suit.

Barrier Tower: Barrier Tower is another location a lot like Sniper Tower which is designed to block easy access in and out of Ashlands. At Barrier Tower you'll find numerous Watchbot Skeletons which will fire Harpoon Turrets at anyone who gets close.


Ashland Dome I: Ashland Dome I is the first Ashland Dome dungeon in Ashlands and is under the control of Head of Agriculture who wields a Short Cleaver Meitou weapon. Every Ashland Dome also has a chance to contain Ancient Science Books, Engineering Research and AI Cores along with various other [Masterwork] or [Specialist] equipment.

Ashland Dome II: Ashland Dome II is under the control of Rhinobot who wields a Topper Meitou weapon. Every Ashland Dome also has a chance to contain Ancient Science Books, Engineering Research and AI Cores along with various other [Masterwork] or [Specialist] equipment.

Ashland Dome III: Ashland Dome III is controlled by General Jang who wields a Guardless Katana Meitou weapon. Every Ashland Dome also has a chance to contain Ancient Science Books, Engineering Research and AI Cores along with various other [Masterwork] or [Specialist] equipment.

Ashland Dome IV: Ashland Dome IV is home to General Hat-12 who wields a Heavy Jitte Meitou weapon. Much like the previous Ashland Domes, this one also has a chance to contain Ancient Science Books, Engineering Research and AI Cores.

Cat-Lon's Exile: Cat-Lon's Exile is what would be considered the final dungeon in the game and is home to Mad Cat-Lon, the final boss as well as 120 Stormthralls in the adjacent dome. Mad Cat-Lon wields a Meitou quality Falling Sun weapon and almost all of his stats are 100 at minimum.

Endgame Zones Loot Guides & Map Locations (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.