Was bedeutet "w/" ? - Frage zu Englisch (US) (2024)


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5 Mär 2016

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Was bedeutet "w/" ? - Frage zu Englisch (US) (2)

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Was bedeutet "w/" ? - Frage zu Englisch (US) (3)

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6 Mär 2016

Every time I see w/, it's a shortened version of with. What is the context?

Was bedeutet "w/" ? - Frage zu Englisch (US) (4)

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6 Mär 2016

  • Englisch (US)

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W/ means with. For example if you say "I have a car w/ red strips." But this is like Internet slang, so it probably shouldn't be used when you're writing an essay or something.

Was bedeutet "w/" ? - Frage zu Englisch (US) (11)

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6 Mär 2016

  • Englisch (US)

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w/ = with
w/o = without

Was bedeutet "w/" ? - Frage zu Englisch (US) (18)

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6 Mär 2016

  • Englisch (US)

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Adding on to kisa's answer: w/ isn't just internet slang. It's common to see w/ and w/o on informal handwritten notes, or in any sort of short, informal writing.

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13 Sep 2019

  • Englisch (US)

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Yep! W/ = with
For example, “bread w/ raisins” might be on a shopping list.
Also if you see w/o it means “without”.
Hope this helps!

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1 Nov 2019

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Was bedeutet "w/" ? - Frage zu Englisch (US) (39)

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26 Aug 2020

  • Englisch (US)

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Die Kurzform w/ oder w bedeutet „with“. Dieses Wort wird verwendet, um zu sagen, dass Menschen oder Dinge zusammen an einem Ort sind oder etwas zusammen tun. Darüber hinaus bedeutet es auch, etwas zu haben oder einzuschließen.
source : https://engkurs.de/bedeutet-abkurzungen-w-wo/

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Was bedeutet "w/" ? - Frage zu Englisch (US) (46)

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[Neuigkeiten] Hallo du! Die/derjenige, die/der eine Sprache lernt!Möchten Sie wissen, wie Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse verbessern können❓ Alles, was Sie tun müssen, ist, Ihre Schreiben durch einen Muttersprachler korrigieren zu lassen!Mit HiNative können Sie Ihre Schreiben kostenlos durch Muttersprachler korrigieren lassen ✍️✨.Registrieren

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Was bedeutet "w/" ? - Frage zu Englisch (US) (2024)


What does Fragen mean in English? ›

[ˈfraːɡn] Full verb table transitive or intransitive verb. to ask. nach or wegen (inf) jdm fragen to ask after sb; (in Hotel etc) to ask for sb.

What is w-frage in German? ›

Learn German. “W-Fragen” stands for “W-questions” in German, and they are called this because most of the interrogative words in the German language start with the letter 'W'. These questions are used to gather information, and they cannot be answered with just a simple “yes” or “no”.

What does Ich frage dich mean? ›

Ich frage dich eine Frage. I'm asking you a question.

What are the German question words? ›

Basic question words
  • Was? What?
  • Wo? Where?
  • Wann? When?
  • Warum? Why?
  • Wer? Who?
  • Wie? How?
  • Wie viel? How much?
  • Wie viele? How many?

What is the meaning of the frage? ›

German, literally, question, from Old High German frāga.

What does the verb fragen mean? ›

Drank and drunk are forms of the irregular verb drink. Drank is the past tense form, as in I drank two glasses of water last night. Drunk is the past participle, as in She had drunk three cups of coffee before 9 a.m. The word drunk is also commonly used as an adjective meaning “intoxicated by alcohol.”

What do Germans call the letter W? ›

What are the German alphabet letters?
LetterName (Pronounciation)Example
TTe (tay)Tag (day)
UU (ooh)Uhr (clock)
VVau (fow)Vater (father)
WWe (vay)Woche (week)
26 more rows

What are the 5 W's in German? ›

1 more row
Apr 2, 2018

What does Z in German mean? ›

German Z always refers to a /ts/ sound. There is always a t in there, and it's always unvoiced (unlike English Z, which is voiced and doesn't have a t sound). English natives often get this wrong, especially in the beginning of a word.

Do Germans say ich liebe dich? ›

Ich liebe dich is the most common way to express love in German.

What does Ich Danke mean in English? ›

Translation of "ich danke" in English. Noun. I thank. I would like to thank I am grateful.

What does Danke dich mean? ›

Danke dir / Danke Ihnen - Thank you (informal / formal) Ich danke Ihnen - I thank you (formal) Danke vielmals / Vielen herzlichen Dan.

What is a famous German swear word? ›

Scheiße. One of the most common bad words in German, scheiße, has several creative constructions that mirror the English use of “sh*t.” Oh Scheiße!

What is the easiest word to say in German? ›

  • Thank you – Danke (dan-kuh”)
  • You're welcome – Bitteschön (“bit-tuh-shun“)
  • Please, excuse me, or pardon – Bitte (“bit-tuh”)
  • Yes – Ja (“jah”)
  • No – Nein (“nine”)
  • Hello – Hallo (“hallo”)
  • Goodbye – Auf Wiedersehen (“Owf Veeder-sane”)
  • German – Deutsch (“doych”)

What is W-Fragen? ›

The W-Fragen in German are question words. They are also known as 'open-ended questions. In English the W-Fragen also begin 'w': who, what, whe... Less. Anna Sobiecka.

What is the origin of the word fragen? ›

Etymology. From Middle High German vrāgen, from Old High German frāgēn, frahēn/frāhēn, which is indirectly derived from Proto-West Germanic *frāgēn.

How do you use fragen in a sentence? ›

Es ist eine Frage von Leben oder Tod. It is a matter of life or death.

How do you conjugate fragen in German? ›

How do you conjugate the verb 'fragen' in the present tense? I ask/he/she/it asks - ich frage/er/sie/es fragt; you (singular informal) ask - du fragst; we/they/you (plural) ask - wir/sie/ihr fragt; you (formal singular/plural) ask - Sie fragen.

What is the meaning of Stell fragen in English? ›

Translation of "Stell Fragen" in English. Verb. ask questions. Du fängst an, leise mit ihm zu reden, stell Fragen. You start to talk to him quietly, ask questions.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.